

PBC Ltd. is present in 105 Districts and about 5,000 Societies in all cocoa growing areas. The Districts are manned by District Managers and the Societies by Commissioned Marketing Clerks (CMCs).

The Commissioned Marketing Clerks (CMCs) are agents stationed in the Societies also known as the Buying Centres. They are the Company’s frontline operatives who deal directly with the farmers and organize purchases of the cocoa.

With regards to Sheanut Sector, PBC Limited operates in all the Three (3) Northern Regions and in some Districts of the Brong Ahafo Region and has Staff manning these areas. The Sector is headed by the Supervising Coordinator responsible for the day-to-day activities in the Zonal Coordinators, ably supported by the Sector Accountant and Sector Auditor.

The Sheanut operational areas have over the years been re-demarcated into the Tamale, Bolgatanga, Wa and Sawla Zones for improvement in coverage as well as efficiency. The Zones are manned by Zonal Coordinators ably supported by Depot and Purchasing Clerks.